Monday, January 4, 2016

8th Grade Math - Unit 2 - Linear and Non-Linear Functions

This year, because of the change in teaching days, my unit on functions was very short (one week). Most of the function concepts were embedded in my linear relationships unit.  Therefore the focus for this mini unit was on non-linear relationships.

My goal for this mini unit was to give the students an understanding of the difference in linear and non-linear relationships and then revisit these ideas throughout the year.

Functions and Relations
I introduced the students to the basics of functions and relations and how to tell if the relationship represented a function and whether a relationship was a linear or non-linear function.

Examples of "Collaborative Team" practice problems.

After practicing and discussing collaboratively, students transitioned to iMath and worked on my self-paced Socrative lesson on Identifying Linear and Non-linear Functions.

Here is my Socrative Code for this lesson:
Identifying Linear and Nonlinear Functions - SOC-18219609

Check out my Free Resources Socrative Page to see all of my Socrative Codes.

Non-linear Functions
I introduced the  students to non-linear functions in real world situations using the "Zombie Apocalypse".

In iMath students practiced Identifying Functions in Tenmarks. Tenmarks is an awesome platform for rigorous common core type questions. :o)

Graphing Stories
I introduced the students to Piecewise Functions and understanding the parts of a graph and the intervals.

I did Graphing Stories with my students to introduce them to these types of function graphs.

I modeled the first Graphing Story for the students, showing them how to focus on the changes and the time that was shown and how to mark those intervals with points on the graph.

I had the students do the Graphing Stories as Collaborative Teams. For each video teams rotated Recorder/Reporter, using one team graphing mat.  Students watched the videos a few times and as a team determined the intervals and points.  The students then compared their team graphs with the graph's solution.

Interpreting and Drawing Graphing Stories
I introduced the students to Interpreting and Drawing Graphing Stories from situations.

Students did a Collaborative Team Poster Task. Students discussed each situation as a team and put the situation in order. They then matched the situation with the graph that represented the situation.

It really did help starting the concept of functions in my Linear Relationships unit. But  this unit really needs more time. I am hoping that next year's schedule will allow for at least another week for this unit. :o)

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog.... :o)

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