My Geometric Relationships Unit was my longest unit and was taught over a period of 9 weeks. This unit was split into 3 Units: The Pythagorean Theorem, The Volume of Solids, and Transformations.
Unit 6a: The Pythagorean Theorem
The first part of the unit was an introduction an introduction to the Pythagorean Theorem and finding the missing sides in right triangles.
Students did a round of Recorder/Reporter and the teams collaboratively solved problems using the Pythagorean Theorem.
iMath – Socrative (Self-paced) “Digital
Task Cards”
After practicing using the Pythagorean Theorem with their teams, students did my Socrative (self-paced) "Digital Task Cards" lesson on Using the Pythagorean Theorem.
After practicing using the Pythagorean Theorem with their teams, students did my Socrative (self-paced) "Digital Task Cards" lesson on Using the Pythagorean Theorem.
is my Socrative Code. Feel Free to Use. :o)
Using the Pythagorean Theorem: SOC-20373776
Students love when I add "Sticky Note" questions in my Socrative Assignments. It is an easy way for me to "Check For Understanding". :o)
iMath – Showbie “Paperless” Assignment
Students practiced using the Pythagorean Theorem in my"Paperless" Showbie Assignment on understanding and using the Pythagorean Theorem.
Students practiced using the Pythagorean Theorem in my"Paperless" Showbie Assignment on understanding and using the Pythagorean Theorem.
iMath – Tenmarks “Jam Session”
Students used "Jam Session" in Tenmarks to get more practice.
Students used "Jam Session" in Tenmarks to get more practice.
8 – Recorder/Reporter and “Collaborative Teams”
Students practiced Recorder/Reporter style and the teams collaboratively solved problems using the Pythagorean Theorem with multiple triangles.
Students practiced Recorder/Reporter style and the teams collaboratively solved problems using the Pythagorean Theorem with multiple triangles.
Here is my Socrative Code. Feel Free to Use. :o)
Pythagorean Theorem Complex Problems "Team Task" SOC-22946126
Students practiced using the Pythagorean Theorem with multiple triangles in my"Paperless" Showbie Assignment.
iMath – Socrative (Self-paced) “Digital
Task Cards”
After practicing using the Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem with their teams, students did my Socrative (self-paced) "Digital Task Cards" lesson on Using Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem.
After practicing using the Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem with their teams, students did my Socrative (self-paced) "Digital Task Cards" lesson on Using Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem.
is my Socrative Code. Feel Free to Use. :o)
The Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem: SOC-20463441
Making the Concept Visual
The students have always had difficulty understanding the difference between the Pythagorean Theorem and its Converse. This year I decided to add visuals to what I was explaining verbally.
When I explained the Pythagorean Theorem in the beginning of the unit, I used the right triangle and the formula on card stock to hold up while I explained the "If, then" statement.
When I explained the Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem I used the same visuals to explain that the converse switches the "If, then" parts of the statement.
I put the visual models on the board for the students to use the rest of the unit.

The students have always had difficulty understanding the difference between the Pythagorean Theorem and its Converse. This year I decided to add visuals to what I was explaining verbally.
When I explained the Pythagorean Theorem in the beginning of the unit, I used the right triangle and the formula on card stock to hold up while I explained the "If, then" statement.
When I explained the Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem I used the same visuals to explain that the converse switches the "If, then" parts of the statement.
I put the visual models on the board for the students to use the rest of the unit.
Checking for Understanding
I love Showbie's "Comment" feature in the Assignments. I have the students leave a written response to check for understanding in my iMath Warm-up.
The students are not allowed to talk or use their notes when completing the "Blast from the Past" Assignment. This allows me to see what each student's understanding is at that time.
Using the visuals when explaining really helped students understanding of the concept. Next year I am going to incorporate more of these visual models through out the year. I love Showbie's "Comment" feature in the Assignments. I have the students leave a written response to check for understanding in my iMath Warm-up.
The students are not allowed to talk or use their notes when completing the "Blast from the Past" Assignment. This allows me to see what each student's understanding is at that time.
Socrative: Using the Pythagorean Theorem "Team Task"
We ended this part of the unit with my Socrative Collaborative "Team Task" on Using the Pythagorean Theorem in Complex Problems.
is my Socrative Code. Feel Free to Use. :o)
Pythagorean Theorem Complex Problems "Team Task" SOC-22946126
The next part of the unit focused on Pythagorean Theorem Word Problems. This part of the unit went really good. Students really understood how to draw the real world problem and then use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve the problem. Not only did the students have to solve the problem, but they also had to explain what the sides of the right triangle represented in the real world situation.
iMath – Showbie “Paperless” Assignment
practiced using the Pythagorean Theorem to solve word problems in my"Paperless"
Showbie Assignment.
iMath – Socrative “Digital Task Cards”
Poster Task
Students showed their understanding of this concept in my Pythagorean Theorem in Real World Situations Socrative Poster Task.
is my Socrative Code. Feel Free to Use. :o)
Pythagorean Theorem Real World Situations Poster Task: SOC-20562922
8 – Socrative Space Race “Team Task”
We ended this part
of the unit with my Socrative Collaborative "Team Task" on using the
Pythagorean Theorem to solve real world situations.
Here is my Socrative Code. Feel Free to Use. :o)
Pythagorean Theorem Word Problems "Team Task" SOC-22946128
This part of the unit focused on The Pythagorean Theorem and Distance in the Coordinate Plane. My students had a good understanding on how to find the slope of a line between two points using a "mini table", and now they learned that you can also find the distance between two points.
Students practiced Recorder/Reporter style and the teams collaboratively found the perimeter of geometric figures using the Pythagorean Theorem.
iMath – Socrative (Self-paced) “Digital
Task Cards”
practicing finding the perimeter of figures with their teams, students did my
Socrative (self-paced) "Digital Task Cards" Math Land Zoo lesson.
is my Socrative Code. Feel Free to Use. :o)
Math Land Zoo (Distance) Task: SOC-20740509
8 – Socrative Space Race “Team Task”
We ended this part of the unit with some "App Smashing". The students started out the "Team Task" in Showbie. This was Part One of the Math Land Amusement Park Task and set up the situation and the graph for Math Land Amusement Park.
We ended this part of the unit with some "App Smashing". The students started out the "Team Task" in Showbie. This was Part One of the Math Land Amusement Park Task and set up the situation and the graph for Math Land Amusement Park.
Here are the links to my Math Land Amusement Park "Team Task".
Math Land Amusement Park Team Task (Part One)
Math Land Amusement Park Team Task Attractions Key
Part Two in Socrative
Math Land Amusement Park "Team Task" (Part 2): SOC-20764818
IMN Guided Notes - Two-Points on the Coordinate Plane - Which Method?
After teaching the students how to find the distance between two points the students have always struggled with when to find the slope and when to find the distance. This year I solved that problem by giving them a guided note page on Two Points in the Coordinate Plane and when to use which method.
Thanks for stopping by my blog... I hope my lessons gave you some ideas to use in your classroom.
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